
MaKey MaKey Scratch Interactive Book

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Saved by Josh Burker
on September 4, 2015 at 1:41:35 pm

MaKey Makey Scratch Interactive Book

Westport LIbrary MakerSpace

September 5, 2015


MaKey MaKey




Copper Tape Wizardry


Conductive copper tape: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10561 http://amzn.com/B009KB86BU


The Fine Art of Electronics {under construction} (Jie Qi): http://simonetti.media.mit.edu/~jieqi/tutorials/





To turn sharp corners:
1. Flip your tape over opposite the direction you want to turn, so the sticky side is face up, and flatten.
2. Flip the tape back over in the direction of your turn.
3. Flatten the corner again and you’ve got a crisp corner!

copper tape corner



To make curves:
1. Stick the end of your tape down to create an anchor.
2. Crease the tape slightly to turn and flatten the crease.
3. Continue creasing and flattening as you continue down the tape and soon a curve will emerge.

The more you turn at each step, the tighter the curve.  Also, the thinner your tape, the sharper you can make the turns.

copper tape curve




Paper Circuits with copper tape: http://highlowtech.org/?p=2505





DIY Paper Switch 



The Story





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