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Construct a Timeshifter

Page history last edited by Josh Burker 4 years, 7 months ago


Using a box of broken electronics, Tinkercad, a 3D printer, other materials, and your group's imagination construct a timeshifter. Document your plans, deconstruct (not destroy) the electronics and other parts, recombine them in a fabricated case that fits in a backpack, and write the instruction manual for the timeshifter. You will publish your documentation to a Google Site you create for this project. Make sure to take many photos of the timeshifter and to thoroughly explain its use, troubleshooting techniques, and what to do in the case of a rift in the time space continuum.




If the person teleporting is expected to bring the timeshifter wherever she or he might go in time and space, the device itself should be portable. Other considerations include:

  • Power source
  • User interface to indicate the destination to which the device should teleport the user
  • Recall, should something unfortunate happen to the person teleporting this feature will return the timeshifter to the time and place in which it started


Take Apart


Remember, there is a difference between deconstructing and destroying. Look for interesting parts from the devices that could be combined with other interesting parts.




Use the proper tool for the job and work carefully.


Recombine and Package the Timeshifter


The Scientologists have done an admirable job packaging their otherwise worthless e-Meter.



Closed cell insulating foam is great to built large housings and is faster than 3D printing. You can cut and layer multiple pieces. Covering the foam in spackle, sanding, and finishing with inexpensive black and silver spray paints give a faux-metal patina finish.





You can use Tinkercad to design a housing for the electronics like the Microbit. You may not be able to 3D print the entire housing, but concentrate on the parts that the person using the teleporter will need to directly interact with in order to teleport.


Write the Manual



Before anyone goes teleporting anywhere else it is important that there is a well written manual that explains the use, troubleshooting, and what to do in the case of disturbances to the time/space continuum. In the hopes that the timeshifter might be preserved and remain useful throughout time and space the manual should be written as a web site. Be sure to include many photos in your documentation: who knows what the prevalent language might be elsewhere? The hope is that the web site will be archived for use in different times/spaces/dimensions in the event the person teleporting runs into trouble with the equipment.


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