
Automata 2014-15

Page history last edited by Josh Burker 7 years, 4 months ago

3D Printed Automata Parts


Cam: https://tinkercad.com/things/gewOrk86Kp9

Cam 2: https://tinkercad.com/things/7X62bap48W2

Cam follower: https://tinkercad.com/things/jq1VNLYtusU

Stay: https://tinkercad.com/things/1b8E0Wa8Yk9

Handle: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/hM2MGkYJGFz-handle

Pivot: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/3AXYldZaqOE-pivot               


These are sized to fit on 1/4" square dowels. The dowels will require sanding in order for the pieces to fit. 


My pieces were printed in ABS, which shrinks a little. They might have to be adjusted to work in PLA, like from the Replicator 2. So, if possible, print these on the Replicator 1 in ABS.


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